Fourth Grade Volunteer Information

Last updated 5/4/16

Teacher: Mrs. Amber Matts (


Volunteer Opportunities:

To earn in-classroom hours-

  • Helping kids cook appetizers for Parent Nights (1 -2 hrs. monthly)
  • Listening to students read (any amount of time, most days)

To earn non-classroom hours-

  • Cleaning Desks and seats (15 min. daily) – sign-up sheet outside room
  • Cleaning Yoga Mats (1-2 hrs. weekly) – sign-up sheet outside room
  • Copying/collating (1-2 hours, once every 9 weeks)
  • Type out the vocabulary word sentences in the 4th Grade reading book
  • Organizing the Social Studies Weekly newspapers
  • Organizing materials & supplies for garden projects (TBD – monthly)