COVID-19 Response Plan(from HLA 20-21 Handbook)
HLA will institute the following until further notice in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Students will have the option to attend Healthy Learning Academy one of two ways;full time on campus or full time virtually via the Healthy Learning at Home Academy.
- HLA will continue to follow the recommendations from the School Board of Alachua County, the Alachua Health Department and the CDC regarding school closures and additional precautions.
- In the event of a school closure all HLA students will transition to the Healthy Learning at Home Academy, and participate in live streaming classes. All students will be provided an HLA email and secure login to participate in these classes.
- non essential furniture (i.e. unused student desks, supplies, etc) have been removed from the classrooms.
- Daily temperature checks will be performed before students are allowed to enter the school.
- Frequently touched surfaces will be regularly cleaned and disinfected.
- Face coverings will be required for all students and staff. These must cover the nose and mouth completely and abide by the dress code. A physician’s note must be provided before a student can be exempt from wearing a face covering.
- Interaction between classes will be very limited. Students will have staggered recess and lunches. Increased distancing in classrooms will take place when feasible.
- Parents/guardians and non-essential visitors will not be permitted into the building. All visitors entering the building must complete a temperature check and a health screening. All visitors must wear a face covering.
- In the event of a student becoming ill at school, he/she will be sent to the clinic and depending upon symptoms will be isolated and the parent/guardian will be notified. Student will need to stay home and be fever free for 24 hours. Student will need a physician’s note to return to school.
- In the event of a positive COVID-19 case at HLA all families will be notified immediately! Affected areas will be locked down for 24 hours and deep cleaned/sanitized. HLA will consult with the Health Department on any additional steps that would need to be taken depending upon the circumstances of the case. There is a possibility that HLA could be closed anywhere from 24-72 hours depending upon Health Department recommendations.
Face coverings are required-Brick & Mortar All students and staff are required to wear face covering (mask, face shield, etc) while indoors. Students will be given “mask breaks” throughout the day. Masks are not required while participating in PE, recess or while eating. Documentation from a physician is required for a student to be exempt from wearing a face covering. All coverings must abide by dress code rules, i.e. violent, gruesome, provocative or graphic images/phrases. CDC Considerations for Wearing Masks
The School Board of Alachua County has set certain Protocols for COVID-19 and HLA will continue to follow the guidelines they put in place. These protocols were created following the guidance put forth in the School Risk Mitigation report from Scientific Medical Advisory Committee.
School Board of Alachua County Mask Policy