October, 2015 Volume 10 Number 2
October 20th – HLA Board of Directors Meeting – 4:30 p.m.
Oct. 15th and Oct. 22nd – Parent Involvement Nights (see invitation on reverse side)
October 23rd – Final day to submit Box Tops for October schoolwide contest.
October 29th – Pumpkin Day! Sign up on our website to volunteer.
October 30th – No School – Teacher Workday
*We hope your children are settling in and enjoying the new school year so far! We have witnessed so much growth (both physical and academic) in our returning students and are getting to know our new students. Always feel free to contact your children’s teachers or myself for any reason.
*We need volunteers for our Strategic Planning Committee. If you are interested in being part of HLA’s direction for the future, then volunteer for the planning committee. We would like to have at least two each of parents, staff, and Board. No previous experience needed – just a desire to help HLA grow and develop in the healthiest ways possible. For more information and/or to volunteer, contact Carolyn Lichty at clichty@hlacharter.com or 352-333-3966.
*Carolyn Lichty is also our Board Representative and would love your feedback on your children’s experience at HLA. Email her at boardrep@hlacharter.com or call at 352-333-3966.
*We have had a few cases of head lice at school. Please check your children’s heads tonight. Please remind your child not to share or trade clothes or brushes at school. Tea Tree Oil Shampoo can be a natural lice repellent and can be found at many local stores. Now’s the time to use it.
*With Halloween just around the corner, I need to remind everyone about HLA’s zero violence and dress code policies. The children are not allowed to wear costumes to school, nor bring accessories of any kind. Holiday t-shirts are acceptable, but they must not include any violent images. This includes zombies, mummies, vampires, skeletons, etc. If in doubt, please save for home.
*Please be aware of drop off, pick up, and parking procedures. Please pull all the way up to the front of the pick up area and try to close any gaps between cars. We need to be sure traffic is not backing up out into the street. It is also important that we do not park on the neighbors’ grass or block driveways. Please only park on the west side of the street and not on the cul-de-sacs.
*We have many volunteer opportunities available to you. We need someone to weed the front garden circle, clean windows (inside and out), dust the great room on a regular basis, and spot clean the Meditation Garden cushions. These are just a few of the jobs that can be done at your convenience.
We appreciate your continued commitment to your children’s education and school! J