September, 2015 Volume 10 Number 1
September 7th – Labor Day – no school
September 15th – HLA Board of Directors Meeting – 4:30 p.m.
Sept. 17th and Sept. 24th – Parent Involvement Nights (see invitation on reverse side)
*Welcome to the new school year. We are excited to be celebrating our 10th year as HLA!
*Thank you for returning the many papers that have come home these past two weeks. Please be sure to read all paperwork carefully before completing and returning, even if you are a returning family. We have made some changes to our student handbook and volunteer guide. We must have a completed volunteer application on file before you can volunteer. If any of your contact information changes throughout the year, notify us immediately. It is imperative that we have current information in case of emergency.
*Thank you for attending the Open House parent nights. We hope you found the information useful and learned something about the teachers’ expectations and routines for the coming year. Our next Parent Involvement night will focus on helping your children with reading and phonics in each grade level.
*Our board representative is now Carolyn Lichty. She can be reach at or
352-658-3236. We hope you will take a moment to share your experience at HLA with her.
*School begins promptly at 7:45 a.m. You may drop your children off from 7:15-7:45 to participate in Morning Mile. Please leave yourself extra time in the morning if you find yourself running late. All children must be accompanied by their own parent until the front doors open at 7:15 a.m.
*We are settling in to the drop off/pick up/parking routine. Please pull all the way up to the front of the pick up area and try to close any gaps between cars. We need to be sure traffic is not backing up out into the street. It is also important that we do not park on the neighbors’ grass or block driveways.
*The HLA parking lot is a cell phone free zone. Please follow this rule for the safety of everyone!
*We have many volunteer opportunities available to you. We need parents to clean lunch tables each morning, help with weeding throughout the grounds, clean Yoga mats and classroom tables and more.
We especially need parents to listen to children read. Please contact your Classroom Activity Coordinator for more information about class related volunteer activities. If you volunteer for Morning Mile, remember to check out of volunteer status before attending Morning Meeting.
Please always feel free to contact us with questions or concerns regarding your children’s education. We are here to serve them and their families and strive to do so to the best of our ability. J