September, 2014 Volume 9 Number 1
September 1st – Labor Day – no school
Sept. 11th and Sept. 18th – Parent Involvement Nights (see invitation on reverse side)
Sept. 11th – Flu mist – first dose
*Welcome to the new school year! We have had a wonderful two weeks! The children are adjusting well to our routines and procedures and are enjoying their new teachers and friends.
*Thank you for returning the many papers that have come home these past two weeks. If you have not yet done so, please do so ASAP. If any of your contact information changes throughout the year, notify us immediately. It is imperative that we have current information in case of emergency.
*Thank you for attending the Open House parent nights. We hope you found the information useful and learned something about the teachers’ expectations and routines for the coming year.
*School begins promptly at 7:45 a.m. You may drop your children off from 7:15-7:45 to participate in Morning Mile. Please leave yourself extra time in the morning if you find yourself running late. All children must be accompanied by their own parent until the front doors open at 7:15 a.m.
*Guests and volunteers must sign in at the small desk next to Mrs. Carr’s desk. We will be switching to a computer check-in system soon.
*If you need to park on the street, please be respectful of the neighborhood. Do not park on the grass, block driveways or mailboxes, and do not park beside the curb between the subdivision entrance and the first side street on the right. It is dangerous for those turning in to the subdivision.
*The HLA parking lot is a cell phone free zone. Please follow this rule for the safety of all children!
*Our first Box Top contest begins on September 8th. The class that turns in the most Box Tops by October 15th will earn a frozen yogurt party! Please label Box Tops with your child’s name and class.
*Thank you to all of you who have already volunteered! WOW! We have had great participation helping to beautify the building and grounds for the coming school year. Please remember to log your volunteer hours so that we can give you credit for them. Thanks again!
*Our new and improved website is up and running. Please visit it at:
If you shop Amazon through our website link, the school receives a portion of money spent.
Please always feel free to contact us with questions or concerns regarding your children’s education. We are here to serve them and strive to do so to the best of our ability.