November 2014

November, 2014                                                                        Volume 9   Number 3



*November 3rd  – HLA Run Club begins – Monday and Thursday, after school each week.

*November 4th  – Picture Day – Put on your best smile!  Class photos will also be taken.

*November 4th –  Report cards and volunteer confirmation letters go home.

*November 4th-17th – Parent/teacher conferences – Please sign up for conference appointments.

*November 7th –  Movie On The Lawn Night – Hope you can join us!  Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

*November 11th – No School – Veteran’s Day

*November 13th – Thanksgiving Program – 6:00 p.m. Abiding Savior Multi-purpose Hall.

*November 21st – Morning Mile Ceremony – 7:30 a.m.

*November 21st – Hometown Hero Celebration and essay award –  9:00 a.m.

*November 24th – 28th – No School – Thanksgiving Holidays


*Report cards and volunteer confirmation letters will be coming home on November 4th.  Please sign and return both as soon as possible.  Please also sign up for a parent/teacher conference.


*We have been having a lot more tardy children lately, or families checking in at exactly 7:45 a.m.  If you are finding your family running late, please set your clocks ahead by 5 – 10 minutes or whatever it takes to get your children here a few minutes early, so they have time to get settled in before Morning Meeting begins.  The doors open at 7:15 a.m. for Morning Mile.  This is a great way for your children to start the day and to ensure that they are here early.


*You should have received flyers about our Movie on the Lawn Night and Thanksgiving program.  I will attach copies with the electronic version of the November newsletter for your reference.  We hope you will join us in these community building activities!  The children always enjoy themselves and it is nice for the parents to have time outside of school to get to know each other better.


*The winner of the Box Tops class contest is first grade!  They will be enjoying a frozen yogurt party soon.  We received a total of 4,528 Box Tops, which equals $452.  Our goal for this school year is $1,000.  We have another submission in February and will start another contest before too long.

Thanks to everyone for supporting your children’s education and school!!  Please remind family and friends to save Box Tops for HLA.  Thanks!


*As the weather cools off, please send a sweater or jacket with your child for outdoor time.

PLEASE remember to label all outer clothing items, backpacks, lunch and snack containers and water bottles.  Check to be sure they have all their personal belongings before they leave at the end of the day.


*Our amazing health interns, Miss Alee and Thalia, have almost finished their time with us at HLA.

They have been phenomenal!!  Please be sure to say hi to them and tell them how much your child has learned from them when you see them. Thank you for all your feedback.  It is extremely helpful.  J


Always feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.