January 2015

January, 2015                                                                           Volume 9   Number 5

Happy New Year!!



*January 8th/15th     –   Parent Involvement Nights – Writing/Middle School – Invite on reverse side

*January 16th     –      No school – teacher workday

*January 19th    –       No school – Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday holiday

*January 23rd    –       School Spirit Day – Wear your HLA shirts

*January 29th     –      Report cards go home.  Please sign and return along with the envelope.

*January 29th   –        Field Trip – Planetarium/Santa Fe Teaching Zoo – Please wear HLA shirts.


*As we return back to school, please remember the following:  Send a healthy snack and a fresh water bottle (labeled) with your children every day!  Research has confirmed that it is imperative for your children’s health and learning that they stay hydrated and eat healthy.  Please send plasticware and napkins, if needed.  Also, please double check to ensure your children have all their belongings (backpack, folders, water bottles, snack and lunch bags, and outer clothing) when they leave at the end of the day.  Please check our lost and found for missing items.


*We will be participating in the Five Points of Life Kids Marathon on Saturday, February 14th.   Please visit http://www.fivepointsoflife.com/2012/06/15/kids-marathon-gainesville/ for more information and to register your children.  Some of the children may want to run the actual 5K race with the HLA staff running team.  We hope to have excellent school representation for this amazing community event.  We also plan to have the LifeSouth folks come to school and discuss their mission.


*Wendy Heimann, a member of the HLA Board of Directors and HLA parent, has been appointed to serve as a representative to facilitate parental involvement, provide access to information, assist parents and others with questions and concerns, and resolve disputes.  Wendy is frequently at the school and can also be reached at her Ocala cell phone number 352-274-1850 or email at wheimann@hlacharter.com.  Feel free to contact Wendy or any member of the Board with concerns or questions.  Staff, parents, and interested persons are welcome at all meetings of the Board.  The meeting schedule is posted on the school bulletin board, in the monthly newsletter, and on the HLA website.  Board member names and email addresses are available on the HLA website.  Your interest and involvement are appreciated.


* *A big THANK YOU to all who are already volunteering on a regular basis!! We love and appreciate you all!   You will be receiving a volunteer hour confirmation letter with your child’s report card.  If you are looking for ways to volunteer, please contact your class room parent or visit our website to sign up online to help in various ways.  We are going to need many volunteers to help with our 5K “Just For The Health Of It.”  We will be posting a sign-up genius soon with all the positions that need to be filled.  We also need people to help solicit sponsors.  Volunteer hours will be given.


Thank you for your continued support of your children’s education and school!