March 2015

March, 2015                                                                              Volume 9   Number  7



*March 3 – 6th                     –     Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) – Writing – 4th & 5th Grades

*March 30th – April 30th     –      FSA – 3rd, 4th & 5th grades – Language Arts/Math/FCAT Science

*March 19th                      –        –      Parent Involvement Night – Science Fair – Invite on reverse side.

*March 23rd– 27th               –      No school – Spring Break – School resumes March 30th.

*March 31st                        –      Board Of Directors’ Meeting – 4:00 p.m. at HLA.


*Students will be taking various Florida state standardized tests on March 3rd through 6th (including make-ups) and then again between March 30th and April 30thIt is imperative that all students arrive at school before 7:45 a.m. to minimize interruptions.  Please do your best not to schedule medical appointments in the morning during this time period in order to avoid students coming and going during testing.  We will be testing in all areas of the school.


*The Healthy Learning Academy Board of Directors is accepting applications from those interested in becoming a director.  The Board is seeking to fill vacancies for both at large and parent liaison positions.  The time commitment required is approximately two hours per month.  For more information, contact the president of the HLA Board of Directors, Bettianne Ford, at or see Mrs. Egan.


*Our 100th Day project was a huge success!  HLA donated 594 pounds or 457 meals to the local food bank.  The students worked cooperatively to build (and sell) some incredible structures.  Ask your children to tell you about the structure their group created and the different job positions that group members held.


*Thanks to all of you who participated in the February Parent Involvement Event (Family Fun & Fitness).  It appeared that everyone had a great time and we received a lot of beneficial feedback.  If you have not yet returned the survey that was sent home on Friday, please do so.  We value your input.


*Thank you to everyone who joined us at the 5 Points of Life 5K and Kids Marathon.  We had an excellent turnout and the children really enjoyed running with their friends and teachers.  Great job, kids!


*HLA “Just For The Health Of It” Race Update – Saturday, April 25th

We sent home hard copies of the race registration form this past week.  If you send in the registration form and payment directly to HLA, we do not have to pay a fee to Active.  But, you are certainly welcome to sign up through Active if that is more convenient.  Please continue to spread the word to family and friends.  We are still in desperate need of volunteers in many capacities for the day of the race.  We could also use some help soliciting sponsors.  I am sending out a separate email with the links for both volunteers and sponsorship sign-ups.  I will also attach electronic copies of the flyer/race registration and sponsorship packet to that email.    Our goal is to sign up 500 people for this event.  We have many activities planned for the Kids’ Fun Fest.  We are excited to produce an event that supports our mission.  This is our major fundraising event of the year and we need your help to make it a success.  Please contact us for more information.


Thank you for your continued support of your children’s education and school.