April 2015

April, 2015                                                                       Volume 9   Number  8


*March 30th – April 30th     –      FSA – 3rd, 4th & 5th grades – Language Arts/Math/FCAT Science

*April 6th                            –        –      No school – teacher workday

*April 16th                         –       Parent Involvement Night – All grades – Invite on reverse side

*April 19th                         –       Report cards go home

*April 25th                         –       Just For The Health Of It! – HLA Fundraiser Race and Fun Day

*April 25th                         –       Deadline to order yearbooks

*April 21st                        –       Board Of Directors’ Meeting – 4:30 p.m. at HLA


*Students will be taking various Florida state standardized tests between March 30th and April 30thIt is imperative that all students arrive at school before 7:45 a.m. to minimize interruptions.  Please do your best not to schedule medical appointments in the morning during this time period in order to avoid students coming and going during testing.  We will be testing in all areas of the school.


*Our April Parent Involvement Night will be held for all grade levels on April 16th.  We will be celebrating an incredibly successful year of parent and family involvement.  Demonstrations of volunteer activities will be held to help parents gain a better understanding of the opportunities available. Volunteers will be able to sign up for committees for the coming school year.  We hope all of you will join us.  See reverse for invitation.

Please remember your commitment to attend a majority of the parent involvement events.


*Our May parent involvement will be a community service project. Please contact us if you have an idea for a community service project that all families could participate in together.


*Library books – If your child has received an overdue book notice, please look for the book and return it along with the notice.  If you cannot find the book, please purchase a replacement copy for the school library.


*Although we cannot plan to have volunteers during the school day for the month of April due to testing, there are many things that can be done during after school hours. Contact your children’s teachers if you are looking for hours.  If you would like to help in the gardens, contact Mary Ann Harris at maha45is@bellsouth.net.


*We still need some more feedback regarding attendance at summer camp.  We would really like to offer this awesome program, but need a few more confirmed participants in order to make it happen.  Please contact Mr. Mike at mcollins@hlacharter.com, see him in person, or call him at 372-2279 for more details.  Graduating fifth grade and incoming kindergarten students are welcome to attend. 


*HLA “Just For The Health Of It” Race Update – Saturday, April 25th

A hard copy of our race update was sent home on Tuesday.  Please take a moment to read it.  We are trying to get a good number of people registered by this Friday, so we will know how many t-shirts to order. We also need volunteers for race day.  This is our main fundraising event of the year and we need your support!


Our goal is to provide your children with an innovative and exceptional education. 

Always feel free to contact us with questions, comments or concerns.  J