November Board of Directors Meeting

Healthy Learning Academy

Board Meeting Minutes

November 5, 2014


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Bettianne Ford, Chair.  Members present included:

Betty Braun, Wendy Heimann, Carolyn Lichty, Sharon Sperling, Roger Morales, and Bettianne Ford.  Excused: Tom Robinson and Sheila Crapo

Old Business

There was no old business discussed at this meeting, since the purpose of the meeting was to complete the principal evaluation.


New Business

Board members reviewed the questions and completed the Principal Evaluation, which will be discussed with Principal, Annie Egan at the December Board meeting.


There was no public comment.

The next meeting of the Board will be December 6, 2014

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.


Submitted by Bettianne Ford for Tom Robinson, Secretary