February Board of Directors Meeting


Board of Directors Meeting Notes – February 17, 2015


  1. Welcome/Introductions –


Board members present at the meeting: Bettianne Ford, Carolyn Lichty, and Sharon Sperling.  Also attending, Anni Egan (Principal), Amber Matts, and Lynn Little

Excused board member: Sheila Crapo, Wendy Heimann

Absent: Roger Morales, Betty Braun, Tom Robinson


Meeting called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Bettianne Ford.


  1. Old Business –


Policy manual – Anni will compare policy manual to handbook, and make sure they                         are comparable for the 2016 school year. She and Bettianne will make

final changes by May 2015.  The board will review all changes and                           have them ready for the coming school year.


Approval of Minutes: The board will approve meeting minutes from the November                         and December meetings  of the board at the March meeting.



  1. New Business – Charter renewal update – insurance changes have been an issue and Anni has asked the school board for clarification, as have other charters. Anni will contact Neil Drake and find out what he knows about insurance. (Subsequently Anni was informed that the insurance issue has been resolved by the school board so we now are required to have one policy for $1,000,000. Anni will forward copy of draft contract to board for their information. Caroline will try to attend the board meeting at SBAC at 6:00 p.m. on March 3rd.


Fundraiser: Just For The Health Of It 5K and Kids Run – Anni update – sponsorships/volunteers .  Anni disseminated packets for board members to gather sponsors if possible.


Board:  Currently we are having difficulty in getting all board members to each meeting.  We also have two board members who have not completed their training, or there is no proof of completion.  Bettianne will contact those board members separately and ask that they complete the requirements or they will not be able to continue on the board.


Those in attendance discussed returning to a monthly meeting format, since we are having difficulty accomplishing all items without going over on our allotted time on the alternating month format.

Bettianne will verify if the proposed day works for all board members:

Currently we meet on the 2nd Tuesday of alternating months                and the proposal is now to meet on the Third Tuesday of every   month, so that Anni will have the financials back from the      accountant.


The board discussed that we need to look for at least two new board members to replace Tom Robinson and Wendy Heimann, who have both expressed their desire to resign due to other obligations.

Bettianne will call Linda Bennett and ask her if she is interested. Bettianne will also ask Sheila to suggest someone from the community.

Anni will put a request in the March newsletter for a parent board member to replace Wendy.  All board members are requested to submit a nomination/name for the next meeting.


Training for Board – Caroline has been participating in some informative webinars from the state Charter School site.  She will share the information with others via email.


Financial: Principal Egan reported that Sharon Sperling has reviewed all bank statements from prior months. The board will vote on budget expenditures at the March meeting.


Staff contracts for 2015-16: Principal Egan will work on a budget for next year, in order to discuss staff pay schedules in advance.  The board will review it no later than May, so contracts can be offered before the end of the school year.



  1. Public Comment Period – no comment



  1. 2015 Meeting Schedule – March 17 at 4:00 p.m.

Bettianne will confirm that changing to third Tuesday works for everyone and then we will publish schedule for the rest of the year on our website and on the bulletin board.


  1. Adjourn – 4:48 p.m.