April, 2016 Volume 10 Number 8
*March 29-March 30 – FSA 3rd grade reading test
*March 31-April 1 – FSA 3rd/4th grade math test
*April 12-April 13 – FSA 4th / 5th grade reading test
*April 19-April 20 – FSA 4th/5th grade math test
* May 3-May 4 – FCAT 5th grade science test
*April – May – FSA/FCAT make-up testing will be held on various days each week.
*April 14th – Parent Night – all grades – invitation on reverse
*April 14th – Report cards go home.
*April 19th – HLA Board of Directors meeting – 4:00 p.m. – public invited
*Students will be taking various Florida state standardized tests between March 29th and May 6th. It is imperative that all students arrive at school before 7:45 a.m. to minimize interruptions. Students will be testing in all areas of the school. Please do your best not to schedule medical appointments in the morning during this time period in order to avoid students coming and going during testing.
*The state did not give us any flexibility with the testing dates this year, hence the four consecutive days of testing for third grade directly following spring break. I contacted the district and the FLDOE in an attempt to spread the testing over two weeks, as we have done in the past, but was told no exceptions were being granted. I encourage you to contact the FLDOE, newspapers, testing companies, etc. to express your displeasure with the amount of testing and testing schedules for all grades.
*The flu/cold season is hitting us hard. Please remember the 24 hour rule, per our attendance policy. If a student is ill, he/she must be noncontagious, fever free and must not have vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. We have many children returning to school while still feeling poorly. This is not beneficial to the student or other students in the school. We are trying to limit exposure, and will be monitoring the children’s conditions more closely in the future.
*We have many volunteer opportunities at this time. Most can be done at your convenience. The mulch has been delivered, with 10 more yards to come once the first 20 yards are spread. Directions are on the post near the pile and tools are in the garden sheds. Please supervise children closely when you are working on the school grounds. Contact Mrs. Egan or Mary Ann Harris for more information. The kindergarten area needs a lot of TLC before May, when our incoming K class comes to visit. Contact Ms. Sydney. To volunteer in the gardens, contact Mrs. Harris at maha45is@bellsouth.net.
*Run club has wrapped up for this year. We want to thank everyone who volunteered to help.
The kids really enjoyed this program and we are looking forward to continuing it next year.
*The children have already accumulated 4,114.80 miles at Morning Mile this year! Charms went home before spring break. We are traveling through South America on our virtual tours. Go Team HLA! J