February 2015

February, 2015                                                                         Volume 9   Number  6


*February 2nd     –  100th Day Of School!  Food drive culmination activity for students.

*February 12th    –   Parent Involvement Night – Family Fitness & Health Night

*February 16th    –  No school –  Presidents Day

*February 17th    –  Board Of Directors’ Meeting – 4:00 p.m. at HLA.

*February 20th    –  Box Tops Contest Ends – K/1/2 VS. 3/4/5 – Prize to be determined by winners!!

*February 27th    –  Morning Mile Ceremony (7:15 a.m.) & School Spirit Day – Wear your HLA shirts.

*February 27th    –  Spring Break Camp confirmation forms due.


*It is imperative that you notify us if any of your contact information has changed.  The emergency contact number should be a phone number that someone will answer in case of emergency. If you have new people who will be picking up your children, be sure to update your pick-up information in advance.


*Attendance – If your child is absent, please be sure to send in a written note or doctor’s note within three days so that we can excuse the absence.  Also, please be aware that Morning Meeting begins promptly at 7:45 a.m. If the driveway clock says 7:45 when you pull up, your children will be late by the time they get to the door.  In order to avoid disruptions during this important part of the day, you will need to wait outside with your children and sign them in at the conclusion of the meeting.  Please plan to have your children at school by 7:40 a.m. so they will have time to unpack and settle in.  The doors open at 7:15 a.m. for Morning Mile.  Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


*We will be participating in the Five Points of Life Kids Marathon and 5K on Saturday, February 14th.   Please visit http://www.fivepointsoflife.com/2012/06/15/kids-marathon-gainesville/ to register.


*Fundraising Update – We have raised almost $2,000.00 towards the playground fund through our combined events this year.  That brings our total to approximately $7,000.00.  If we can raise $3,000.00 more from the 5K, we will be halfway to our goal of $20,000.00.   According to what we hear from other race directors, this can be easily done with a good amount of participation and sponsorship.


*HLA “Just For The Health Of It” Race Update – We will be sending home registration forms for the 5K and Kids’ Fun Run.  Race day is April 25th.  If you sign up at HLA, Active does not take a portion of the registration fee.  We are very excited about this race and hope to have an amazing turnout.  We need your help soliciting sponsors and volunteering on the day of the race.  We will be sending home updated sign up genius links for your convenience, along with hard copies of both sign-up sheets.  We need your help to make this the best HLA event yet.  If you need volunteer hours, this is an easy way to get them on a weekend day!! We are also giving volunteer hours for your time spent soliciting and signing up sponsors.  Please see Mrs. Carr for flyers or sponsorship packets. 


*We have had several cases of head lice.  Please be sure to check your children on a regular basis and treat promptly.  Children cannot be admitted back to school until they are nit free.  Thank you.


Your children are our priority.  Please feel free to contact us with questions or concerns.  J